Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! What time is it and where are we on the clock of time? Are you paying attention to what the world is doing or are you focused on your mission for MY Son, Yeshua, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords?
What are you doing? Are you busy trying to please people for Christmas or are you thinking of MY Son coming as a Babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manager – Who is the Savior of the earth.
What are you doing? Worrying about your Christmas decorations and how much you should spend on people, so your gift looks right.
Stop all of the nonsense. Take time and pause. Look at MY Son and remember why you are here and what you are doing.
I love your celebrations, and I love that you do all of these things at Christmas. Remember they are all for nothing if they are not done with a pure heart. Decorate to celebrate MY Son’s birth, not to impress your neighbors. Give to celebrate Jesus as I gave MY Son to the World as your Savior. Give with a pure heart and out of love.
Do all of your wonderful Christmas celebrations with a pure heart and out of love. If it is to impress someone else, then stop. Perhaps you and I need a little meeting. Please come see and let ME help you get your heart right. I want you to walk in love. Be like MY Son Yeshua. Every step He took on this earth and in heaven, is with love. I AM Love and Jesus is Love. WE are Love and WE love you. Strive to be more like US. WE will help you. Come, sit down, bow down if you can and let US clean out what needs to go on the inside and fill you with US. As your love grows and you become more like US, the things of this earth will grow strangely dim and what was important will not be and your heart will be on the things that matter most. MY two greatest commandments are to Love Your God with all of your heart, soul and mind and the second is like this: Love your neighbor as yourself. Be like ME and Jesus – LOVE. Ask US to help you.
If all you came for today is some dirt on someone or money matters, then please have a meeting with ME at once. I love you (music playing: what the world needs now is love, sweet love).