A MESSAGE FROM GOD – November 26, 2024

This is the time for all of MY People to come to the table and show the love of MY Dear Son, Yeshua to one and all.  There seems to be so much hate, but there is much love in MY Beautiful World.  Start sharing MY Son’s love on your daily walk.  Show His Love on your drive and give people a break.  Stop yelling at distracted drivers and do not use your hand signals.

But first, you must show MY Son’s Love in your home.  Look at the beautiful people in your life.  You all were hand-picked to be together as families.  Learn to love each other and show the love of MY Dear Son.  Take a moment and think about the good qualities of each of your loved ones.  Take time to appreciate them and don’t forget to tell them that you love them.  Everyone wants to hear it, including ME.

Give your family a break on the little things that irritate you that are of no consequence.  And let them have their way from time to time. 

Come sit with ME and let ME speak directly to you.  I want you to know ME much better and I have secrets I want to share with only you.

MY Prophets hear MY Voice, but you can too and I have put MYSELF in each of you.  Be still and know ME.

Take your time to grow in ME and with your family.  Your life is but a vapor in the window of time and you don’t want to miss the time that you have because when it is gone, it is gone and you cannot go back. 

Your time is much more valuable than your money.  Money can come and money can go; but your time comes and then it is gone.  What are you doing with your life that will be everlasting in MY Kingdom?  Loving on people is the most important thing you can do for ME.  Show love and love like ME and MY Son.  Let your life be a demonstration of MY love for them.

We need harvesters to bring in the multi-billion soul harvest that is coming very soon.  A bumper crop and they will be ripe for the picking.  Remember if you do all kinds of works for ME and MY Son and you don’t do them in love, it is for nothing.

Look today and see MY Goodness in this earth and love one another.

With love,
