You should watch what you say and do in the coming days. Be diligent and ready. The enemy is roaming around looking for whom he can devour and whom he can separate from each other. Love one another and take no offense.
These are joyful, glorious happy days and soon you will see MY Glory. Fret not MY Little Ones as now I think you understand all that is going to happen. The enemy manipulated and got part of MY Love Book left out and persuaded people to teach of the rapture without telling you the entire story. I have laid it out through My Prophets.
The world thinks I AM on a cloud or just sitting far off. They think that MY Massive Moves were for only the Bible that they hold. But this world will soon see that I AM the Great I AM and there is no one like ME! They will run to ME, or they will curse ME. What will it be? For those that curse ME, that is their choice. But for those who call on ME – I AM the Best Father, and they will be welcomed with open arms. They will be treated as royalty and given great rewards.
The time is short and for some it is up. Pray again for the lost and for the evil to repent. MY Prophets have told you of the fate they will fare and soon it will be a place they don’t want to be.
Now rest in MY Love and MY Son. Give Him all the praise for all He has done. He is MY Beloved who came for you all. He does not distinguish one above them all. His love is greater than you can imagine. Just give Him your praise.
There will be much news to share. The world is a changing and you will never be the same. You will love your new life, and your home will be blessed.
Some of you will move as I need you in a location. Others will get new homes – bigger and better. Some will travel in service to ME. Others ministries will be in their own community. Where I call you, you are needed for harvest. The harvest of souls – people you know and people you don’t. I love each of them and I created them all. Love on all and tell them of MY Son. The best gift is telling someone of MY Christ. Now go about your day and let ME choose what’s best. I AM your Good Father. I love you so much.