Keep your eyes on ME. When the going is tough – keep your eyes on ME. When the going is great keep your eyes on ME. Don’t forget ME in the plenty. Because, O’ there is going to be much plenty.
The Dems are playing their last hands. Court dates set. Speaker talk and the 6th coming. Don’t be afraid of the evil they are planning. It will all blow up in their faces. I told you Trump and Vance will lead the country and soon it will be. The nation will change, and the carnage and tyranny will cease. Cities will become safe again and some will even migrate back to their old homes.
Some will stay where they have been planted. I move people around for what is best in their life.
The Days of Glory have begun and soon you will see, feel and taste this. MY Beautiful Glory. Settle down and go to your prayer closet. Take some time to fellowship with US and just bask in Our Presence. WE want to promote you to greater gifts and anointings. Get to know US by giving US some of your time. Put down that remote and go for a walk. Let US be your guide and tell you what is on Our Mind. There are secrets and mysteries, WE are wanting to share. Be still MY Child and listen and WE will be there.
Open your heart and mind and welcome US in. WE love you so much and wait for you. WE are love and want the world to know how great OUR Love is for all.
January 5, 2025
This is going to be a very short-lived moment in time, but it will be frozen in your mind. The shaking will be like no other day in the history recorded or any other day. You have remembered 9/11 and other historical events, but that day will change the world and all of your lives. You will never regret the shaking once it is done. And it will be done in one day. I AM the Great I AM and that is all I need (one day).
When it’s done, you will rejoice. You may feel some sorrow for those who are gone, but MY Ways are not your ways. And to save MY World from these evil ones, I know what is best and I AM the Merciful, Loving Father. I AM Your Protection, and this is for you. I tell you to fear not as I told MY Children throughout all time. Remember I told the Nation of Israel to go with the Chaldeans and all would be well. I told them those that remained would perish. Go with MY Plan and know that I AM protecting you. All will be well.
The Biden has awarded many who have done you wrong. They will be charged with their crimes and stand before ME. Man’s awards are nice, but what are they really? They rust and rot and do not last. I AM looking and searching for those with a pure heart. Seek ME and MY Son and let US reward you. OUR Blessings and Promotions will never rust or rot. OUR gifts are anointed and will give you great pleasure.
Come to ME. Let US bless you and be OUR Little Lamb. Receive US and walk the narrow path. Be like Audra and seek ME with a pure heart. Be MY Josephs, MY Davids, MY Esthers, MY Ruths. Love one another and give US a few.
Now enjoy this day. Take care of one another.
Never forget, WE love you.