MY Angel Armies are on the move.  It is 2025 and it is the greatest year to be alive.  You are going to be so amazed at what I do in the earth this year and the next seven.  Everything changes now.  The morning has dawned, and it is time for MY People to rejoice.

Rejoice that I AM saving you from the evil ones.  Rejoice that your prosperity is right on top of you.  Rejoice your loved ones are saved and living for ME.  Rejoice your family is restored.  Rejoice you have peace in your home and in the streets.  Rejoice the rogue government is in custody and the evil ones are gone.  Rejoice the wars and rumors of wars are fading away and now is the time for peace throughout MY Land.  Rejoice for MY Glory and the multi-billion soul harvest.  Rejoice that it is well with you.  No more sorrow, sickness, pain and disease.  No more debt, lack and no more creditors calling.  Rejoice as these promises I made, and you will see and taste all of this in the year 2025.

Rejoice the evil is being exposed and I AM a merciful Father, but I AM just and the evil ones must pay the penalty for high treason and crimes against humanity.  And pay they will.  Many with their life.  But for some of those, this is what it will take for them to finally turn from their evil ways and choose ME and My Son, Yeshua.  Many will not humble themselves and their fate is sealed for all eternity.  But I AM just.

This grieves ME as it grieves you to punish your child, but choices are made and they know the consequences.  Pray for the evil ones again.  Your prayers are powerful, and WE are moving in the hearts of the few that will bend the knee and repent to ME and MY Son Jesus.  WE love them so and want them all to repent.  But many will not.  Pride, arrogance, selfish ambition, lust and greed are many of the sins they have branded themselves with.

You have watched much of Hollywood empty out as many are leaving this deep, dark place and choosing a better, brighter life for themselves and their children.

The music industry will soon be turned around as their evil, satanic messaging in their shows will be stopped.  The symbolism and hand signals are not of ME.  They are of the enemy.  The color coordination is to lure you in.  Do not be deceived and teach your children well.  Their shows of worship to the evil one will stop and come to a halt and I will deplete their bank accounts, take their lavish home and the clothes on their backs.  How dare they try to deceive and lure MY Young Ones into the occult and worship of the evil one?  They are not going to be remembered for the beauty and gifts that I gave them, but their fatal fall that takes it all.  (They are on a slippery slope).  I AM done with them and MY Music shall be beautiful and meaningful and give peace and joy to MY People.  Enough of their shows that depict hell and the evil.  Turn them off and shield your children.  Watch them fall and pray for them.

They went to the dark side to advance their career and have this grand lifestyle that does not fulfill.  They may be rich in the world’s eyes, but for most of them, their life is shallow and empty and they are poorer than MY Poor Ones.  Pray for them and especially Katy.  She is always on MY Heart.  I love her so.

Beyonce and Madonna and Rhianna – repent.  Your days are numbered and soon it will be too late.  You each know better; but, you think you know best.  Taylor, how dare you lead MY Young Girls down the path of destruction.  Fall you all will if you don’t choose to repent.  Pray for them again before it is too late.

Oprah, there is only one way to ME.  Repent and turn before it’s too late. 

You each have great influence, but you cannot forget ME.  You have ignored ME and said I will have time to repent.  Do you?  Choose wisely today as MY death angel is moving.  The doors will close suddenly.  What side will you be on?

So, MY Children I give you great news.  This year will be wonderful and the best year to be alive.  Come close to ME and give ME a few.  Look for ME in your everyday life.  Be an everyday person – humble and meek.  Be bold like MY Son and have great compassion for all.  Be the bright light in the ever-present darkness.  MY Glory is coming and there is no time to waste.  Study and pray and tell people of MY Son.  This life is but a vapor and then you will be done.  Lay up your treasures in MY Heavenly Vault.  When I open your book, your treasures will fall out.  Be excited and expectant and this year will be grand.  Choose wisely MY Children as the time is at hand.  Today, fix your thoughts on ME and MY Son, what is pure and lovely and all that’s good.  Turn away from all evil on your TV and news.  Enjoy MY Creation and the loved ones I have given you. 

25’ will be glorious – a gift to MY Children.  Enjoy this year as the Glory has arrived.
