Have you noticed the change in the atmosphere?  The air?  It is the gloom and doom lifting off of the earth as the enemy has been defeated last week.  This is the taste of the sweet victory.  There will be many more to come.  Wait and see.

Trump’s transition team is working hard.  They are moving and shaking.  Trump is surrounding himself with the best of the best.  Day 1, you will see great change in the United States.  The changes made in the US will ripple around the world.  It is MY Glory Time and WE are working through Trump and Team for the Glory Days and the billion-soul harvest.

WE are working through many people around the globe.  WE are moving and shaking.  If WE call you, please step up and do your part.  WE need all hands on deck for the final multi-billion soul harvest.  There is much to do and you have special gifts and talents that I instilled in you.  Answer the call when WE make it to you.  Don’t put US in the spam folder.  You will feel and know when you need to step in and do something for MY Son.  It might be speaking and greeting people along the way or WE may need you to start a ministry.  You are perfectly created for all of the tasks that WE need and desire for you to do.  But, you have free-will and can always say no.  Lay up treasure in heaven.  You will be rewarded greatly and your blessings will never fade away or be stolen.

Now what about your family?  Are they saved?  Are they all in unison?  Or is there division and problems?  Learn how to use the Authority that MY Son Jesus gave you.  Jesus is with ME in heaven – seated at MY Right Hand.  The Holy Spirit is with you.  Learn to pray effectively and to use your authority to rid your family of the demonic that is wreaking havoc and causing the problems. 

MY Girl is doing a teaching with Audra and there are many other sources from MY Preachers, Teachers and Prophets to give you a Master’s degree on this topic.  It is not hard as nothing in MY Kingdom is hard.

Now remember how much I love you today.  Pause and enjoy the fall.  Winter is coming and the great changes in MY Earth will become visible. 

I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

~ABBA Father