My Bright and Morning Star shall rule and reign forevermore.  He is MY Son – the Rock of All Ages.  He will never leave you nor forsake you and He laid down His life that you might have life and have it more abundantly.  Stay close to ME now as the days are getting shorter to the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord.  I AM warning the Bride of MY Dear Son to not let your lamps go out nor fall asleep on the watch.  Be vigilant in your prayers and while you wait.  The Election, the Inauguration and MY Great Day are all tied together, but you must just wait and see.  I told you what will happen and it is quite obvious, but you are blinded by the way man would do it.  I AM the Great I AM and there is no one like ME.  I can change the times and I change the seasons.  There is no one like ME and there never will be.  Trust ME that you have no need to fret, worry or to be in fear.  I want you on your watch and at your post.  You know your spot and for MY Prayer Warriors do not let up.  You are on a stealth mission, and you will be greatly rewarded.  Now stand firm.

Take some time each day to pray to ME.  Tell ME your dreams, your desires and your needs and your wants.  Praise MY Son and as you praise you open the heavens and MY Glory shall fill the earth.

You are in a waiting time – like standing in a line.  You can choose to get upset, fret and worry, be impatient or be at peace.  The Great Shaking is coming and I warn you because I love you.  But I tell you again to fear not.

You ask MY Prophet about the money.  Fear not whether the money will do this or that.  I AM the Great I AM and all that I have told you will come to pass.  MY Gold and MY Silver will do the best and it will happen.  You are still in the holding pattern and it is the time to wait and fix your thoughts on other things.  So make your investments, buy your currencies and put them away.  Don’t go look at them or count them.  That is for another day in the future very soon.  Just fix your thoughts on MY Son and your mission for His Kingdom.  Assess your heart.  Are you Kingdom-minded for yourself or for MY Son?  Be like MY Girl Audra and be Kingdom-minded for MY Dear Son Yeshua.  There are people around you who need you to tell them about Yeshua and you are the one they will hear and make an impact in their life.

No go frolic and play.  Enjoy this day.  Catch MY Glorious sunset if you can.  Admire MY Stars and smell MY Flowers.  All created for specific purpose and for you to enjoy.

I love you always,

ABBA Father