It’s Glory Time!
There is much to tell you in the days to come as these exciting, glorious days are upon you. Did I not tell you Trump/Vance would lead the country? Did I not tell you the evil ones will be gone? Watch what happens next. There will be a display of MY Power throughout the earth and the earth will be filled with MY Glory.
I AM the Great I AM and I AM not a man that would lie. Watch all that happens next.
Did I not tell you that Trump would be vindicated of all charges and the convictions? Yes, that is happening now. I AM the Great I AM and I said it is so.
So be still little children and draw near to ME. I have great plans for each of you and to fulfill your dreams, and the desires of your heart. Give ME a few minutes of your day. But stay longer with ME if you can.
There is going to be much excitement as you see and taste the red tide victory. I AM that I AM and I told you that I will come through. It will be more than enough with the House and the Senate for Trump to do it all. I have strategically aligned him this time with the perfect people to achieve MY Goals of the United States being fully restored to One Nation Under God with liberty and justice for all. Yes, for all. For all of people.
There will be turbulence, but as you experience turbulence so will the pressures from the left. Turbulence is not usually long-lived and is disruptive. It tries to shake you, but you believe it will stop, and it usually does.
The Dems will exhibit some short-lived turbulence and short-lived it will be. So keep your seatbelt on; but, you only need to talk to ME. I will give you the Most Glorious times of your life and it has already started. So, celebrate some more and love on all and especially those on the other side. Let those see the light of MY Son in your eyes and in all that you do. I AM so proud of each of you. Now get ready for some fun and some wonderful changes.
It’s Glory Time!
ABBA Father