I Know You Are Waiting!


Take time to tell everyone that you appreciate what they do for you from the bottom to the top. Stop and speak to people and those you meet along the way. Take a moment and talk with them. Make people feel appreciated, loved and encouraged.

Be a gentle, humble, gracious light in MY world so MY Son can shine through. Be the light in your community, at work and everywhere you go. Give people a few minutes of your time. They are precious to ME too.

Encouragement is in MY Book, MY Love Book, The Holy Bible. Do you need encouragement? Do you need to feel love? Sit down and read MY Book about MY Son. In MY Book, you will find everything you have wanted or desired. Some things that you think that you want will fade as you experience the Greatest Love relationship you could ever have. 

Give MY Son the Glory. He alone is worthy to be praised. Men and women receive praise and give themselves praise. Praise the King of Glory and not man.

The time is coming when MY Son will be exalted in the earth. People will be ashamed for criticizing you as a Christian. Love on them when you encounter them. Many of you have been shamed, persecuted, laughed at and fired from jobs. I have it all in MY Books and great will be your reward for your persecution for your love for MY Son. I keep the best records, and I know.

Forgive those who have wronged you for loving MY Son. Forgive those who purposely put you in financial heartache because of MY Son. As you forgive, I can bless you more and draw you into deeper waters.

Unforgiveness breeds sickness and bitterness and disease. Check yourself and forgive all. Even the petty and the big. Pray for those who have wronged you and those who have despitefully used you. Pray for your enemies and forgive. Just as MY Son forgave from the cross.

I know you are waiting. Be still and be patient. Take your mind off of the wait and focus on the goal. The reward will be very soon and soon you will see the greatest celebration throughout all time.

Now have some fun and take in this sweet day. Rest and play. We love you so.

~ABBA Father