You are going to be amazed and in awe very, very soon.  This does not mean that the enemy will stop their attack, but as MY Glory fills the whole earth, you will experience a new level of miracles, signs, wonders, health and prosperity.  This is for you, MY Children, because WE love you.  It is the time for you to be set free.  I AM not setting you free because of a man named Trump.  I am setting you free because of MY Son, Jesus, who came in the form of a man.  HE is MY Son and I AM so proud of Him.  I AM setting you free because I love you and I want MY children to have the freedom that MY Precious Son bought and paid for by going to the cross, dying and being resurrected on the third day.  Give MY Son the Glory and do not be ashamed to tell all about MY Precious Son.  He will never leave you nor forsake you.  The days to come will have their events and it will be interesting, shocking and a time of glory – The glory is coming and soon you will feel it.  Seek the Glory – Call it in.  Declare it over your household.  Declare it over your family.  Expect it and believe for it.

Do you have a testimony of what WE have done for you?  Share it.  Tell somebody.  That one you tell may need to know.  Your testimonies give people hope.  Remind them that MY Son can do this and more for them.  WE are no respecter’s of persons and WE will answer all prayers.  All prayers will be answered.  Some will come in ways that you want and desire.  Some will come answered differently.  Our ways are not your ways.  But Our ways are always the best.  Trust ME.

Great is your reward for having faith.  We put it in you.  Now use it.  Ask US to develop your faith to be bold like MY Son.  You only need a mustard seed of faith for US to move in your life.  Speak to the mountains in front of you and command them to go and use MY Son Jesus’ name.  He gave you His Authority.

WE have given you all of the tools that you need to be victorious in every area of your life.

Now go in faith today and make a difference in the lives of the people in your life. Be the light that He has put in you when you received MY Precious Son, Yeshua as Lord and Savior.

We love you with an everlasting heart.

~ABBA Father