Tell MY People that I love them. Tell MY People to turn from their wicked ways. Tell MY People to search the scriptures and find ME. Tell MY People to quiet themselves and get to know ME – to know that I AM Love and I love everyone with an everlasting heart. I AM merciful and just. I AM quick to forgive, but I must keep MY Word and the wicked ones will be punished. MY Word is very clear. MY Word is a Covenant between ME and MY People. A Love Book that explains Who ME and MY Son are. A guide for your life and a beautiful love story about MY Son from beginning to end.
You ask about the drones over the skies? They are from your government – to invoke fear in the people and they are surveilling various people and locations. They blame the drones on helicopters, planes, planets and drones. Do not let this evil-ness fool you as they are wreaking havoc as they get ready to go out the door.
Watch Kamala as she is trying to stir up a future campaign following. She failed this time and there will be no next time. I told you she would die and I have killed her politically. She will keep a few stragglers, but, her followers will turn away as new younger and more polished speakers enter stage left in the coming four years. Kamala’s political career is dead. Go home Kamala! And repent of all your lies vile and deceitfulness of the American public.
Watch Bobby Kennedy in the days to come. His words are truth and he knows his stuff. He is a man of great wisdom. The Pharma’s, lobbyists, and the FDA will fight their good fight; to keep him out; but, I AM the Great I AM and I pick the ones who will lead this great and mighty land – the USA. MY Bobby has suffered much in his life; but his heart is pure he loves children. His heart’s desire is to make a difference in the lives of the American people and stop autism in this country. Embrace MY Bobby and listen to his wisdom. I placed this wisdom of health in MY Bobby to teach you that MY Precious Children would not perish for a lack of knowledge. Embrace Bobby and be a supporter of all he brings to the table. I purposely aligned him with MY Trump to make America great and healthy again.
Now Christmas is next week. Are you ready yet? If not do a little today. WE have lights and food and celebration in heaven too. Parties and get-together – all for MY Son. He deserves all of the honor and praise. Give Him the Glory and enjoy celebrating His birthday!
WE love you with an everlasting heart.