You should watch what you are doing and wasting your time on.  These are days that you should enjoy with your family and friends getting ready to celebrate MY Son’s birthday.  Make it His Day as you prepare for your celebration and take time here and there to remember why you are doing all of this.

Decorate your tree in honor of MY Son.  He deserves the praise.  Make MY Son the focus of your giving.  Give and give with a pure heart.  Give and ask US what are the best gifts for each person.  Give and remember all of the gifts that MY Son bought and paid for you to have.  And don’t stress over this or that.  Prepare with peace and joy and above all love.

Is it not funny how the dust is starting to settle and it will continue as Trump gets closer to moving back in the White House.  The donkeys will continue to kick up heels; but, they really have nothing to kick about.  Bathrooms will return to normal; DEI will be a bad memory and the evil agenda will back down.  The donkeys will tire of their jumping around and the old donkeys will retire. 

It is going to be a kick the donkey’s behind very soon and soon you will see.  The celebration will keep on and on. 

Team Trump are already working and they are not even on the payroll.  WE will lead and guide them to restore MY USA and MY World to MY Wonderful World.  (heard what a wonderful world playing in my head).

Now go get ready for Jesus’ birthday.  Prepare some each day!

We celebrate in heaven too!  MY Beautiful Precious Son deserves all of the praise.

