There is a difference between what you see and what is happening. You see the Democrats pushing their agenda – acting all puffed up and confident; but they are not. There is chaos and strife in their camp and fear on top. Fear is spreading throughout the Democratic Party. The kind of fear that can be paralyzing.
Be ready to celebrate. There are more on MY Side than theirs. Remember this is a battle for good and evil. This battle is to save the United States from the pit of hell. This battle is a choice between ME, the Great God Jehovah or satan. Who do you choose to serve today? Choose ME, the Great I AM. Vote MY Bible. MY Holy Love Book. Vote for the future of your children. Vote to save the USA which will save the world. Do not be lazy or complacent. Vote like your vote will determine the outcome of the race for the President.
Remember I will move, but I often work through you MY Children. At this time, today your part is to vote. Now do your part and continue to pray.
Then after the election, I want MY Church to continue to be on your knees praying.
I AM the Great I AM and soon you will be amazed at the signs and wonders I will display and allow to happen. It is a glorious time. Celebrate! Celebrate!! Dance to the music (3 Dog night playing in my head).
Put your rapture rug away for a season as you do your Christmas decorations. MY Son is coming soon, but there is a glorious season upon you before He comes for His Bride. So enjoy the beautiful, glorious time and prepare to be the beautiful Bride of MY Son Jesus the Christ. Give Him all the praise and glory.
This time is a time when the greatest soul harvest will occur and the world will change for a good season of time. Read MY Word, spend time with US and invite the Holy Spirit to lead you every day.
Give US some time and let the light of My Son shine. Do not dim or cover up your light that MY Son has put in you. Walk gently and carry a big stick for MY Son. These are great days and the harvest is ready. Be a harvester of souls for MY Son. Be a harvester of souls to change people’s lives. Be a harvester of souls to lay up treasure in heaven where rust and moth will never steal your precious treasures.
Come and drink from the fruit of the Vine of MY Son and experience a more wonderful life with US.
WE love you,
ABBA Father