You have nothing to fear in the days to come as MY Angel Armies are on the move and all will be well.  Fear not about your loved ones.  Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved – you and your house.

I know your thoughts, your fears, and who you love.  The lost will be here and they will be repenting.  Take heart MY Child I have heard your prayers for you and your house.  Pray again.  I love your voice and everything about you.  I Am a Good Father and I keep MY Promises.

The fire will continue.  Another problem created by the left and the Dems.  Much of So Cal is red and I said California will turn red.  The red fiery flames are changing the hearts of many as they see their life go up in smoke and they have fueled Communist/Marist deals designed to destroy and deplete a community and a nation.

The Green Deals are not of ME.  The earth is MY Fullness and I have put the earth full of all resources needed to sustain mankind until WE have a new heaven and a new earth.  But that is not for today – that day is in the future.

What are you doing for MY Son?  What is your mission?  Did you feed the hungry, heal the sick, visit the captives?  Do you preach and teach the Gospel?  Your mission does not have to be grand or on a global scale.  Your mission is on your heart and most of MY Greatest Servants serve quietly, behind the scenes in secret.  This is how I love to see MY Children serving MY Son.  IN the trenches, on your knees, praying, witnessing, serving meals, giving and loving on others.  Your love is the most important to ME and your love is the greatest tool in your arsenal in service to MY Son.  Be humble in your service and expect no rewards or gratitude.  I Am the Great Rewarder of MY Precious Children who honor and serve MY Son.  And O’ the rewards will be great.  One day you will see.

Most of MY Highest Honors in the Kingdom will go to people that are lesser-known and did very simple and behind the scenes tasks like simply praying with someone or just telling someone about MY Son.  Plant seeds and expect a harvest.

The 20th is almost here and it will be a day to cheer.  A day to cheer.  A day like no other.  Pray for President Trump and team.  The mandates are heavy; but the team is on board and very equipped.

Pray against the plans of the enemy to disrupt and halt America and MY World from being great again.  America will be great again.  Wait and see.

I love you so much,
