You are uniquely and wonderfully made. I individually made each of you with a beautiful life attached. Choose wisely of the path of your life that you will be on the straight and narrow pathway of your life. When you stumble off of the straight and narrow pathway, come back to ME and I will lead you back. I love you and I have great plans for each of you.
The Golden Age of America has begun. Now Trump is President for real again. America will be the greatest country. America is MY Golden one.
There are many naysayers standing in the wings and not wanting to see the success of Trump and this country – the USA. MY Hand is on President Trump and MY Hand is on the USA.
Trump honored Israel and the hostages and families at his victory rally on inauguration day. I do not forget who honors MY Israel and who will fight for MY Chosen People. Israel will always be the Apple of MY Eye.
The time is here, and the time is now that MY Glory shall fill the earth. Trump speaks of Golden, but MY Glory shall fill the earth, and your life will never be the same. When you feel MY Glory, bask in it, stay in it. Stay with US a little longer. MY Glory will change men’s hearts and brings millions to MY Son Jesus.
Are you upset about the J-6er’s? Better to pardon people who have been accused of wrong than to issue blanket pardons to people who have not been charged with any crimes. Where there is smoke, there is fire. But this is not over yet, and we will circle back to it. It is not over.
Fear not the days to come but be careful not to put all of your trust in one man. President Trump is not the Savior of the World. He is My Servant and I AM using him in a mighty way for the Glory of MY Kingdom.
Exalt MY Son Jesus Praise His Holy Name.
Watch the world be different now that the US Government has changed. MY Glory shall fill the earth and Trump and team will make America Golden.
The Golden Era of Trump will bring the greatest prosperity of your life, new inventions, creativity and the peace that you all desire.