It will come in one night and one day.  A 24 hour shaking that will change everything.  And I mean everything in one day.  The markets will change.  Your lifestyle will change and your family will change.

They think they have you over a barrel and they seem to have forgotten about ME.  I AM not a man that I would lie.  Because I have not done anything dramatic that has been written about in the Bible in about 2000 years, the naysayers will tell you that I don’t move like that anymore.  I AM the Great I AM and there is none like ME and there never will be.  The shaking is coming, and it will be soon.  I must move as the evil ones seem to have no heart or soul left.  I told you before I AM waiting on the last one to repent that will.  Pray for the evil ones again and again – before it is too late for them.

Your prayers are powerful and My Son is the Savior.  Pray that they will turn from their evil wicked ways.  You are seeing evil at it’s worst and they will know that I AM not playing quite soon.

Now don’t fret or worry MY Precious Child.  I know where you are always and will protect you from all harm.  When the shaking occurs, all hands must be on deck as there will be causalities and there will be harm; but, MY Sweet Children will not lose not even a hair on their head.

Now it is Christmas.  25’ will be golden, but for now I want you to spend time with family and call an old friend.  Love on your children and tuck them in bed.  Pray for the lost and give a little more. 

Expect the best Christmas and even more to come.  (I was going to put out on Christmas Eve, but Holy Spirit changed the plan).

I love you with an everlasting heart.

~ABBA Father