To experience more of MY Goodness, come bask in MY Presence.  Come, give ME a few minutes of your day and sit and be still and let ME fill you fresh.  Let ME fill you full of US.  ME and Jesus and the Precious Holy Spirit.  Just spend a few and WE will make all things new.  Let US help you on your way each day.  WE love you so very much and long for your presence and desire for you to long for OUR Presence.  Come.

There is always room at the table for one more.  Think of who you can include this Christmas.  Is there people you know who will be alone?  Ask them.  They will not mess up your perfect family Christmas.  I have told you in MY Word to be hospitable.  Always have an open hand, an open heart and welcome people into your home and holiday celebrations.  The love you show to someone else is MY Love through you.  Be the Light of MY Son and let others see MY Precious Son through you.

Don’t let your lamps grow dim in these days.  The enemy is roaming around looking for whom he can devour.  He knows his time is getting shorter and he wants to destroy all that he can.  Pray for those who have sold out to him that they will repent and receive MY Son Jesus before it is too late for them.  There is only one sin I cannot forgive and that is blasphemy of MY Precious Holy Spirit.  For those who have not blasphemed MY Holy Spirit, forgiveness is available if they will just reach out and repent.  Pray for them.  There are many who sold out for fame and fortune.  You know them by name.  Pray for them and the evil ones in the governments around the world and the US.  Many in government and entertainment sold out to the enemy.  I still love them and will receive them with open arms if only they will truly repent with a pure heart (visibly seeking Jesus with open arms).  Katy, I AM calling you home – return to ME.  I love you and you were raised and taught the truth.  Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Now what do you want to know today?  Something personal, global or when MY Son is coming?  Give ME your time and I will answer your questions.  I will not give you the exact on Jesus return as WE cannot alert the enemy.  MY Son is anxious to come receive His Bride and to bring you home.  Home where there will be no weeping or sorrow.  Home to US where you will have perfect peace and a life that you can barely imagine.  Home to feel MY Love even stronger.  Seek MY Son Jesus now and you will receive this glorious home for all eternity.

MY Prophets are speaking and telling MY Truth and you listen to them with an attentive ear; but, come to ME, MY Child and let ME speak directly to you.  I have secrets and mysteries that I want to reveal to only you.  Be still and know ME.  I AM not a man that would lie.  MY Sheep hear MY Voice and they know MY Voice.

Now go wrap some presents and hang a decoration.  Celebrate MY Son’s birth.  The greatest day of this year.  Ignore the media and all of their commercial hype.  Turn away from all that and remember Holy is the night – the night MY Son came as a babe as the lowest of the low, yet the King of All Kings.  MY Son’s love for you is more than you ever ask or think.  It is more than enough.

Make today count.  Send another Christmas Card.  Hug someone else.  We love you so much!
