Seven years of Glory.  The Glory is manifesting on the earth and it is going to be the most beautiful, glorious time for MY Precious Children. Get ready to have provision and harvest like you never dreamed. Get ready, MY Bride, to see the fullness of the prophecies of MY Great Prophets.  They have spoken of MY Glory and now it is time for it to manifest.

The trigger was the Trump/Vance win.  Now believers and those with pure hearts are being put in place and I can move those mountains in your life. I can prosper your hand and heal your bodies.  The United States has had a principality over the land since Obama took office.  Roe v. Wade brought another principality.  So the overturning of Roe took away the first and now the Trump victory will remove the second.  These principalities have ruled over this land through the evil ones who have crammed their demonic agenda down your throats.  No more until MY Church/Bride comes home to US.  No more, I say and I AM dealing with these evil ones.  Justice is Mine saith the Lord of Hosts and I will have MY Justice on them.  Vengeance is Mine.  You will hear of some of their justice and vengeance, but these are not the day matters for you.  It is between ME and them.  They will face ME.  Some will repent now, some later and some never. I AM Love and Merciful.  I will forgive all of them that truly repent from a pure heart.

This is the time of Joseph and I AM calling MY Josephs.  You know who you are.  You have been stockpiling and now is the time for you to share your wealth.  Seek ME and find ME and I will direct your paths.  Ask ME to dispense the wealth and I will show you the places that are fertile ground that will reap greater harvest than you ever dreamed or desired.

MY Church/Bride, it is time for you to forgive.  Forgive the evil ones and those around you who do not see the light.  Forgive those who have wronged you throughout your life.  Come to ME, humble yourself on your knees and I will help you and heal you in the process.  I cannot bless you with unforgiveness in your heart towards even the worst of the evil ones.  Have pity on them and pray for them.  They are lost and I want them found.

Support and cheer for the men and women that MY David is picking.  The USA will be restored to the land of the free and the home of the brave.  It is Glory Time.

Look for MY Glory and bask in the Glory.  Wedge out time to be with ME and My Precious Son, Jesus.  WE love you so much and want very much to give you the desires of your heart.  WE cannot bless you to the fullest if you harbor hate, unforgiveness, haughtiness and pride.  Cast them down and get up with a pure heart walking in love.  The love of MY Son.  Love like Him.  Follow Him and master His teachings.  Earn a Master’s Degree in MY Bible.  But you say, I don’t want to go back to the University.  No, you don’t need that.  Study MY Word.  Read the Bible – MY Love Book.  Read it a little each day.  MY Word will begin to get in your heart and your life.  MY Word became Flesh and the Flesh is MY Beautiful, Precious Son Jesus.  Find a Church or Fellowship.  If there is not the right one in your distance, find an online one.  Get in a Bible Study.  MY Girls, Audra and Carolyn always have one and there are plenty online.  Get involved in service to ME.  Ask ME what your service area is if you do not know.

You want me to bless you?  I AM.  But I have asked you to be a blessing in MY Kingdom and to people.  Sow your time, your gifts, your talents and yes, your money into MY Kingdom.  The more you give with a pure heart, the more I can surprise and bless you.  Ask ME for direction and I will answer you.

So rejoice.  This is the time of prosperity and overflow as in the days of Joseph.  Your vats and storehouses will be full and overflow. Just follow MY Plan, but I AM looking to and frow over the earth for MY People with pure hearts.

Enjoy your day and declare your destiny!


ABBA Father