This is the time that you have thought about and longed for.  The time that you have thought if only….  Or I’m just not that person because of this or that.  Now is that time.  Revive your dreams and desires.  Hopes you once had, but the enemy has squished and stolen.  Dream big and bigger MY Children.  It is MY Glory time.  Dream and trust ME.  Last week I brought a red tide to the United States that many thought would be impossible. 

Watch what I do now.  Watch the Supreme Court as it will be MY Court secure with MY Values for decades to come.  Watch how I protect this country. 

Watch how the Democrats fall on their face again and again and the young people and other groups exit the Democratic Party in mass.  My People turned out and spoke and spoke on MY Behalf.  You voted and prayed and that is all I asked. 

I AM the Great I AM and I told you I would save this country and the evil ones would be gone.  And soon they will be. 

MY Donald has much to do in the days to come.  He is well-tasked and has excellent advisors by his side.  I hand-picked them for such a time as this.

The days will get brighter and brighter; so sing and dance and call your friends.  Ignore the fake news and focus on the future.  The future is now and it is so bright for you.

MY Children, go back and remember all I said and watch it play out in the days ahead.

I love you with an everlasting heart.


ABBA Father