I AM the Great I AM and I AM Merciful and Kind; I AM Love and I extend MY Goodness to all MY Children. Receive MY Love and let ME fill your life with MY Goodness.
Get the idols out of your life. You say, what idols? I am not bowing down to other gods such as wood, stone, Budda or Mohammad. O, but many of you are. You worship celebrities, sports, your TV shows, people in your life, your home and even yourself. Come to ME and repent and let ME help you with all of that. I AM Merciful and I can help you change your heart and turn away from idolatry of things and people to a right relationship with all of that. Bow down and worship ME and MY Son only. Put US first and foremost in your life and you will find more peace, more fullness and more understanding in your life. You will have more joy. You will not have to eliminate things you enjoy but repent from making them most the most important.
As for money, MY Word says the love of money is the root of all evil. You need money and you must have it to function. But you are not to worship it or be in love with your money or how much you crave or desire. Put ME and MY Son first in your life and get on MY Methods of giving, sowing and reaping and you will have more than enough to fulfill the desire of your heart.
Crypto currency is a way that I will prosper. It is not MY Created money – gold, silver, and MY Metals will exceed the increase of crypto. Invest wisely MY Children as I give you direction. Look for currencies that are based on MY Gold. The gold and the silver is MINE and the cattle on a thousand hills.
The time has come for the world to know that I AM the Great I AM. MY display of justice, truth and righteousness is beginning to pour out. The evil ones cannot fake the truth any longer.
Expect a red tide. Many will change their hearts of stone at the last moment as they will know the truth and the truth will set them free.
Audra, you are MY Faithful Girl and I AM very proud of you. Your rest is coming soon. BE faithful and stay close to ME and I will give you the energy, strength, wisdom and balance that you need until May. Then you will reap your reward and your heart’s desire.
Wake up, MY Children and walk in love today and each day. Be kind and let your light shine. Let MY Son’s love flow through you and let others see Him through you.
Be anxious, not for tomorrow or any day thereafter. Enjoy this day! As this is the day that I have made.
ABBA Father