I Love to Surprise My Children!
You will no longer celebrate and memorialize things like 9-11 in the same way again. As MY Glory fills this earth, the focus of celebrations and remembrances will focus on MY Son, Jesus. HE is to be remembered, and HE is to be praised. Jesus deserves all the praise. Give HIM the Glory!
9/11 will always be a date when the USA was attacked and many Americans died too young. Remember them and celebrate the life you had with them. But look to the future and to the ones here now. MY Body has work to do. The mission is souls for the Kingdom. The lost will be calling and reaching out to you now. Listen, respond and love on them. Help the lost find their way home to ME, to US, to ME and MY Son, Jesus. WE love everyone so.
Do not be afraid of the terror by night nor the arrow by day. I AM the Great I AM and I will never leave you nor forsake you. Fear not these days.
MY Words are true, and they will all come to pass. Watch and see.
The confusion and chaos is beginning, but fear not.
The world will soon know that I AM the Great I AM. There is no one like ME.
AS things unravel of all that is happening, fear not. Fear not. It is well with your soul.
Stay close to ME and MY Son and WE will comfort you and give you peace.
As the days come and go, check on loved ones, your neighbors, call people you know. If you have internet, send emails and text messages. Love on everyone.
Do not be above demonstrating love. Love one another. MY Son came for you and suffered and died for you because of OUR Love for you.
Do not wait for people to call to check on you even it that is the routine of who makes the call. Put that aside and make the calls. Some will be good, and some may bring sadness. WE will comfort you and give you rest and peace.
The events that are happening are all orchestrated by ME, the Great I AM. It is time for your freedom and freedom you will have.
You will enjoy your days with laughter and love. Remember US today as you are trying to figure out what I AM doing.
I always have the Master Plan. Trust ME. This is all done because WE love you.
The evil ones manipulated the world for their greed and power, and WE want you free and now freedom you shall have. Take time to reflect on yesterday from time to time and remember how enslaved you were. I love you and I have done this for the multi-billion soul harvest.
We are about all people. We love you so much.
I have told you so many great things are going to happen for MY people. I have a few more surprises that you are going to love. Just wait and see. Sit tight as I love to surprise MY children. I AM your ABBA Father, and it gives ME great joy to bless you and give you good gifts. I have plans to prosper you and not to harm you.
Now fear not this day or the days to come. Come sit with ME and MY Son.
We love you,
ABBA Father