There is No One Like My Son!


There is none like My Son! He is King of Kings and Lord of all Lords. There is no one like Him; nor will there ever be.

Exalt My Son! Give Him the praise, honor, and glory He deserves! He paid the price for all to be free from sin, death, sickness, disease, lack, poverty and more.

He is the Most Precious Gift the world has ever received. He deserves all the praise. Spend time with Him and Me. Give Him an opportunity to be Lord of your life. He will change you from the inside and give you a life filled with love, peace and joy and so much more. He paid the price at Calvary and all you must do is receive Him. Time is short. You know not the time or day that you will meet Your Maker. Receive My Son before it is too late. We have a place for you in heaven. We have planned for you, MY beloved children. Keep the faith! Things are going to change quickly, and you will see MY Glory. The Glory of your beautiful Savior. Rest in My Glory. Praise in My Glory, rejoice in My Glory, dance in My Glory. I have great plans for you, My children. You shall see and taste My goodness in the land of the living.
