2025 will be the best year to be alive. The Glory is coming and come it will Trump will take office and the economy will rebound. Your purse will get heavy and your bank account(s) too
Many of you will need new bank accounts and investing will increase. You will see returns like never before and you will cheer and rejoice; but remember to praise ME more
Trump will lower taxes and you will be amazed as taxes continue to go away. The tariffs imposed will fix the nation’s deficit problem and soon Trump will announce that the USA no longer has a debt, and we are a debt free nation
As the nation’s debt decreases, yours will as well. Many of you will see Nesara and overnight debt cancellation. This financial freedom will come in many ways, and I have created the best for each one of MY Precious Children. Don’t worry or fret how your financial freedom will come but come it will. I have the best plan for each of you and it is tailor made just like you
The wars will cease. Wait and see. The move’s being made now will ensure the steps that will take care of the wars
Israel will be free and deal with Hamas. No more attacks on MY Beloved Israel ~the apple of MY Eye. Come January 20th Russia will settle down. They are causing a stir as they know they can with a spineless puppet government alive in the US. But January 20th will come and Day 1 will start the peace you have hoped for and longed for throughout MY World
I am using Trump and the USA and the players coming in place to set you free from all of this evil tyranny.
The arrests will be made, and the evil will be gone. I have promised you My Dear Ones. They will be gone
Watch the skies in the days to come. There will be signs in the heavens and all over the air space. Night flights are carrying out their missions and these are from ME. I give men the direction and the ideas they implement
The border will close, and the country will expand. Watch Trudeau and Greenland and see what I do next.
The world will respect the USA again and the peace will last when MY Glory is here. I have told you seven years of Glory and seven it shall be. Remember seven years of plenty in Egypt and then the drought. It is a sign of what is to come. The Harvest, The Glory and the plenty and the overflow.
The Remnant will rise and rise they shall. You are meeting them now. They are MY Beloveds who have paid a great price, and I AM rising them up as a reward and an honor. Shelly and Ash and many like them will do great and mighty things in MY Kingdom and on MY Behalf.
You will soon see the Multi-Billion Soul Harvest and be a part of this now. Don’t delay to get on with working the fields. The harvest is great and the workers are few. WE need all hands-on deck. All of you. Tell all of your friends near and wide of MY Precious Son Jesus and the Love for His Bride.
My Son wants His Bride home, but it is not quite time. Would you want to leave some others behind? So, WE wait on those who will choose MY Son. WE give all every chance and will not close the door until WE know their decision for MY Son or to choose the evil one.
So, prepare for 25’ the best year to be alive. You will sing and dance and watch the world change. It is a new dawn of an era of Glory. Trump calls it Golden, and I call it Glory.
You were created and made for such a time as this. The hard days are about over, and you will be rejoicing. Stay close to ME and look to the East. MY Son is returning, and I AM getting it all in place. I AM a good Father, and I do not lie. Trust ME and thank ME.
I love you so much,
ABBA Father