Spend this season celebrating with family and friends the birth and resurrection of MY Precious Beautiful Son Yeshua.  He deserves all of the praise.  2024 has been a turbulent year; but the year will close as one of the best.  The country will rise again as the greatest and the strongest in the world.  This weak demonic regime are on their way out and soon you will see, feel and taste the great changes in the USA and it will go around the world.

Do you have a family member that is purposely distant and will not communicate with you?  Pray for them.  The enemy has worked night and day to destroy families.  Many of you have a broken relationship in your family.  I love you and I AM going to restore and repair the broken in your life.  Bring it to ME.  Talk to ME about what happened and with whom.  Did you cause it?  Try to make amends if you can.  Did they cause it?  Forgive them and tell them if you can.  I AM the Great I AM, and I AM healing and restoring families.  I AM Love and I created families.  MY Son paid the price for your family and to be whole and restored.  Forgive, pray and walk in love and watch ME and wait on ME.  I AM a Promise Keeper, and these are Glory Days, and I AM preparing MY Son’s Bride for the Glorious Bridegroom. 

Remember to be very grateful this season for the big and the small that others do for you.  There are so many of MY Children in the world without.  Give and give more.  Ask ME how and where you should give.  Give in secret and let ME bless you more.  Give without expecting anything in return including a receipt or even a thank you.  Give and sow into MY Son’s Kingdom with a heart for the lost, the broken and the downtrodden.  Let ME multiply your giving and watch what I do in this earth.  It is Glory Time and it is going to be glorious and then MY Son will come for His Bride.  Do you know MY Son?  Make Him your Savior today.  Do not delay.  WE love you and want to give you your very best life.

Now look up; your redemption draws neigh. 

I love you,

ABBA Father!